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Frequently asked questions

Lindsay's answers to the most popular inquiries.

Homeopathy? What is that?!

It is very normal to feel completely lost when starting with homeopathic care. You are entering into a new paradigm of holistic medicine AND you are being asked to trust your body..


...and that can be difficult at first.


I have compiled a list of my most asked questions according to topic and steps within both the acute and constitutional care process to hopefully make this adventure a little easier for you. If I'm missing an obvious question, please let me know!
    Homeopathy is a safe, gentle, and natural healing system that has been used with success for over 200 years in both acute and chronic forms of disease as well as injuries and surgical recovery. It has none of the side effects of most of the conventional medicines and is made from natural substances. Although Homeopathy uses medicines derived from natural substances, it should not be confused with Herbal Medicine, Chinese Medicine, Essential Oils, or Supplements. Homeopathy is it's own form of medicine. It recognizes that the body has a constitution, or vital force, that naturally has the knowledge of health and healing, but disturbances have made it suppressed or weakened. A homeopath observes the way a person experiences their weaknesses, struggles, and illnesses and matches those symptoms to a remedy of similar suffering. The remedy then gently nudges the constitution to wake up and do its job.
    Homœopathy works to stimulate your vital force. It awakens your body's own natural inclination to heal itself. First Aid: Homeopathy can be used in first aid to safely help common ailments such as sprains and bruises, minor burns, poison ivy, and insect bites. Acute Care: Acute health problems are those in which the symptoms will eventually go away on their own. They are temporary conditions, such as colds, flu, teething, and coughs. Homeopathy can help you recover comfortably and quickly. Constitutional Care: Constitutional homeopathy addresses each person as a whole, including past and present symptoms, on a physical, emotional, and mental level. When a remedy is accurately selected, homeopathic constitutional care can bring about a profound healing response. Homeopathy can be extremely effective in reversing chronic and long-term health problems.
    It is not necessary to "believe in" homeopathy for it to work. It works just as well on babies and animals who have no idea what is going on.
    Homeopathy is used for a broad range of sufferings including acute inflammations, systemic imbalances, chronic degenerative diseases and mental/emotional disturbances. By its very nature, homeopathic treatment is not specific to a particular illness, but is directed at the underlying state of the person suffering from that illness. By addressing this state, the appropriately chosen remedy effectively addresses the whole person and their illnesses.
    Homeopathy can work in seconds or it can take years. It all depends on the circumstances and how one defines " work. " Generally speaking, a really good constitutional remedy will begin to alleviate symptoms fairly quickly, within hours or days, and then continue to have a positive effect over months and years. The severity and history of the problems will usually determine the length of time needed for true recovery to happen. For example, a chronic pathology such as lifelong asthma will take more time to heal than an acute case of poison ivy. Acute cases should generally resolve in a week. Chronic cases should have some noticeable improvements within six months of beginning of care.
    Most single remedies average $10. I recommend getting a kit for acute care needs. Those can range from roughly $55-$200 and up depending on how many remedies you are getting.
    Absolutely. Homeopathy is safe from the age of newborn to the elderly and can easily be used for all kinds of animals as long as it is used correctly. It is best to consult with a homeopath before using homeopathy if you are unsure about proper matching and dosing. (*see dosing for dummies below)
    Acute illness is usually a flare up of the chronic state. When your body is able to produce an acute illness once a year or every couple years, symptoms move in the direction of cure, and you easily recover, it’s a very good sign that you have a strong constitution. Colds and Flus do not always need acute medicine. If you are struggling with you're symptoms, homeopathy can help you find comfort and move symptoms in the direction of cure. When your body cannot easily recover from an acute or it does not produce acutes, you are likely living with a suppressed constitution - or chronic ailments. Constitutional Care addresses the chronic state: - lack of or too much acute illness - chronic problems with any system, - depression and/or anxiety, - skin problems - fertility/hormone imbalance Homeopathic care addresses the whole person by the examination of their family history through their early years to present, leaving no stone unturned. Through the homeopathic consult, we look at exactly how you experience suffering and what keeps you from from living your best life.
    It is always best to get a good amount of knowledge about what homeopathy is and the principles that guide dosing before trying to use remedies for home prescribing. Rule of Thumb: The remedy needs to be a close match to symptoms. Symptoms are not just "fever", "sore throat" "yellow discharges". They need to be specific to the person's experience of their symptoms. If you're unsure of how to do that, consult with a homeopath. Always start with one dose and don't repeat that remedy unless it helped move your symptoms in the right direction. If you are unsure about the "right direction", consult with a homeopath. If you took a remedy and it helped, and then your symptoms regressed, then you can redose. Do not repeat remedies that have not helped as this will likely create artificial symptoms. Avoid using combo remedies that list multiple remedies. If you are given homeopathic remedies by someone who is not a classical homeopath, ask them how they are specifically matched to your experience of suffering and call a classical homeopath.
    a physical or mental feature which is regarded as indicating a condition of disease, particularly such a feature that is apparent to the patient.
    a spirit-like, dynamic energy that is the central intelligence throughout all of the mechanisms of health. This phenomenon allows all life to self-heal and sustain itself. The Vital Force/Constitution is what knows how to rebuild skin after a cut, or create a mass of cooling fluid around a burn. or turn up the heat when there’s a need for inflammation to ward off invaders - virus/bacteria.
    forcibly put an end to prevent the development, action, or expression of (a feeling, impulse, idea, etc.); restrain. prevent the dissemination of (information) prevent or inhibit (a process or reaction)
    a particular mode in which something exists or is experienced or expressed In homeopathy, there is nothing more essential to a case than the way you experience your symptoms. In particular, what does your body do to make you better tolerate your pain and what does it try to avoid to prevent worsening of pain. We call this better and worse. It isn't important that these actions make you feel "better". However, you will notice that your body may naturally roll up in a ball or need covers, or have to take a hot shower. In contrast, you may notice that you cannot tolerate light or noise or lying on the side that hurts. To learn your modalities and better communicate them with your homeopath, take a few moments to notice how you are reacting to your experience.
    make (a disease or its symptoms) less severe or unpleasant without removing the cause disguise the seriousness or gravity of Sometimes it is important to palliate symptoms in order to prevent suffering, however, palliating can hide the way symptoms are naturally presenting themselves.
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    Homeopathy is a safe, gentle, and natural healing system that has been used with success for over 200 years in both acute and chronic forms of disease as well as injuries and surgical recovery. It has none of the side effects of most of the conventional medicines and is made from natural substances. Although Homeopathy uses medicines derived from natural substances, it should not be confused with Herbal Medicine, Chinese Medicine, Essential Oils, or Supplements. Homeopathy is it's own form of medicine. It recognizes that the body has a constitution, or vital force, that naturally has the knowledge of health and healing, but disturbances have made it suppressed or weakened. A homeopath observes the way a person experiences their weaknesses, struggles, and illnesses and matches those symptoms to a remedy of similar suffering. The remedy then gently nudges the constitution to wake up and do its job.
    Homœopathy works to stimulate your vital force. It awakens your body's own natural inclination to heal itself. First Aid: Homeopathy can be used in first aid to safely help common ailments such as sprains and bruises, minor burns, poison ivy, and insect bites. Acute Care: Acute health problems are those in which the symptoms will eventually go away on their own. They are temporary conditions, such as colds, flu, teething, and coughs. Homeopathy can help you recover comfortably and quickly. Constitutional Care: Constitutional homeopathy addresses each person as a whole, including past and present symptoms, on a physical, emotional, and mental level. When a remedy is accurately selected, homeopathic constitutional care can bring about a profound healing response. Homeopathy can be extremely effective in reversing chronic and long-term health problems.
    It is not necessary to "believe in" homeopathy for it to work. It works just as well on babies and animals who have no idea what is going on.
    Homeopathy is used for a broad range of sufferings including acute inflammations, systemic imbalances, chronic degenerative diseases and mental/emotional disturbances. By its very nature, homeopathic treatment is not specific to a particular illness, but is directed at the underlying state of the person suffering from that illness. By addressing this state, the appropriately chosen remedy effectively addresses the whole person and their illnesses.
    Homeopathy can work in seconds or it can take years. It all depends on the circumstances and how one defines " work. " Generally speaking, a really good constitutional remedy will begin to alleviate symptoms fairly quickly, within hours or days, and then continue to have a positive effect over months and years. The severity and history of the problems will usually determine the length of time needed for true recovery to happen. For example, a chronic pathology such as lifelong asthma will take more time to heal than an acute case of poison ivy. Acute cases should generally resolve in a week. Chronic cases should have some noticeable improvements within six months of beginning of care.
    Most single remedies average $10. I recommend getting a kit for acute care needs. Those can range from roughly $55-$200 and up depending on how many remedies you are getting.
    Absolutely. Homeopathy is safe from the age of newborn to the elderly and can easily be used for all kinds of animals as long as it is used correctly. It is best to consult with a homeopath before using homeopathy if you are unsure about proper matching and dosing. (*see dosing for dummies below)
    Acute illness is usually a flare up of the chronic state. When your body is able to produce an acute illness once a year or every couple years, symptoms move in the direction of cure, and you easily recover, it’s a very good sign that you have a strong constitution. Colds and Flus do not always need acute medicine. If you are struggling with you're symptoms, homeopathy can help you find comfort and move symptoms in the direction of cure. When your body cannot easily recover from an acute or it does not produce acutes, you are likely living with a suppressed constitution - or chronic ailments. Constitutional Care addresses the chronic state: - lack of or too much acute illness - chronic problems with any system, - depression and/or anxiety, - skin problems - fertility/hormone imbalance Homeopathic care addresses the whole person by the examination of their family history through their early years to present, leaving no stone unturned. Through the homeopathic consult, we look at exactly how you experience suffering and what keeps you from from living your best life.
    It is always best to get a good amount of knowledge about what homeopathy is and the principles that guide dosing before trying to use remedies for home prescribing. Rule of Thumb: The remedy needs to be a close match to symptoms. Symptoms are not just "fever", "sore throat" "yellow discharges". They need to be specific to the person's experience of their symptoms. If you're unsure of how to do that, consult with a homeopath. Always start with one dose and don't repeat that remedy unless it helped move your symptoms in the right direction. If you are unsure about the "right direction", consult with a homeopath. If you took a remedy and it helped, and then your symptoms regressed, then you can redose. Do not repeat remedies that have not helped as this will likely create artificial symptoms. Avoid using combo remedies that list multiple remedies. If you are given homeopathic remedies by someone who is not a classical homeopath, ask them how they are specifically matched to your experience of suffering and call a classical homeopath.
    a physical or mental feature which is regarded as indicating a condition of disease, particularly such a feature that is apparent to the patient.
    a spirit-like, dynamic energy that is the central intelligence throughout all of the mechanisms of health. This phenomenon allows all life to self-heal and sustain itself. The Vital Force/Constitution is what knows how to rebuild skin after a cut, or create a mass of cooling fluid around a burn. or turn up the heat when there’s a need for inflammation to ward off invaders - virus/bacteria.
    forcibly put an end to prevent the development, action, or expression of (a feeling, impulse, idea, etc.); restrain. prevent the dissemination of (information) prevent or inhibit (a process or reaction)
    a particular mode in which something exists or is experienced or expressed In homeopathy, there is nothing more essential to a case than the way you experience your symptoms. In particular, what does your body do to make you better tolerate your pain and what does it try to avoid to prevent worsening of pain. We call this better and worse. It isn't important that these actions make you feel "better". However, you will notice that your body may naturally roll up in a ball or need covers, or have to take a hot shower. In contrast, you may notice that you cannot tolerate light or noise or lying on the side that hurts. To learn your modalities and better communicate them with your homeopath, take a few moments to notice how you are reacting to your experience.
    make (a disease or its symptoms) less severe or unpleasant without removing the cause disguise the seriousness or gravity of Sometimes it is important to palliate symptoms in order to prevent suffering, however, palliating can hide the way symptoms are naturally presenting themselves.
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    Homeopathy is a safe, gentle, and natural healing system that has been used with success for over 200 years in both acute and chronic forms of disease as well as injuries and surgical recovery. It has none of the side effects of most of the conventional medicines and is made from natural substances. Although Homeopathy uses medicines derived from natural substances, it should not be confused with Herbal Medicine, Chinese Medicine, Essential Oils, or Supplements. Homeopathy is it's own form of medicine. It recognizes that the body has a constitution, or vital force, that naturally has the knowledge of health and healing, but disturbances have made it suppressed or weakened. A homeopath observes the way a person experiences their weaknesses, struggles, and illnesses and matches those symptoms to a remedy of similar suffering. The remedy then gently nudges the constitution to wake up and do its job.
    Homœopathy works to stimulate your vital force. It awakens your body's own natural inclination to heal itself. First Aid: Homeopathy can be used in first aid to safely help common ailments such as sprains and bruises, minor burns, poison ivy, and insect bites. Acute Care: Acute health problems are those in which the symptoms will eventually go away on their own. They are temporary conditions, such as colds, flu, teething, and coughs. Homeopathy can help you recover comfortably and quickly. Constitutional Care: Constitutional homeopathy addresses each person as a whole, including past and present symptoms, on a physical, emotional, and mental level. When a remedy is accurately selected, homeopathic constitutional care can bring about a profound healing response. Homeopathy can be extremely effective in reversing chronic and long-term health problems.
    It is not necessary to "believe in" homeopathy for it to work. It works just as well on babies and animals who have no idea what is going on.
    Homeopathy is used for a broad range of sufferings including acute inflammations, systemic imbalances, chronic degenerative diseases and mental/emotional disturbances. By its very nature, homeopathic treatment is not specific to a particular illness, but is directed at the underlying state of the person suffering from that illness. By addressing this state, the appropriately chosen remedy effectively addresses the whole person and their illnesses.
    Homeopathy can work in seconds or it can take years. It all depends on the circumstances and how one defines " work. " Generally speaking, a really good constitutional remedy will begin to alleviate symptoms fairly quickly, within hours or days, and then continue to have a positive effect over months and years. The severity and history of the problems will usually determine the length of time needed for true recovery to happen. For example, a chronic pathology such as lifelong asthma will take more time to heal than an acute case of poison ivy. Acute cases should generally resolve in a week. Chronic cases should have some noticeable improvements within six months of beginning of care.
    Most single remedies average $10. I recommend getting a kit for acute care needs. Those can range from roughly $55-$200 and up depending on how many remedies you are getting.
    Absolutely. Homeopathy is safe from the age of newborn to the elderly and can easily be used for all kinds of animals as long as it is used correctly. It is best to consult with a homeopath before using homeopathy if you are unsure about proper matching and dosing. (*see dosing for dummies below)
    Acute illness is usually a flare up of the chronic state. When your body is able to produce an acute illness once a year or every couple years, symptoms move in the direction of cure, and you easily recover, it’s a very good sign that you have a strong constitution. Colds and Flus do not always need acute medicine. If you are struggling with you're symptoms, homeopathy can help you find comfort and move symptoms in the direction of cure. When your body cannot easily recover from an acute or it does not produce acutes, you are likely living with a suppressed constitution - or chronic ailments. Constitutional Care addresses the chronic state: - lack of or too much acute illness - chronic problems with any system, - depression and/or anxiety, - skin problems - fertility/hormone imbalance Homeopathic care addresses the whole person by the examination of their family history through their early years to present, leaving no stone unturned. Through the homeopathic consult, we look at exactly how you experience suffering and what keeps you from from living your best life.
    It is always best to get a good amount of knowledge about what homeopathy is and the principles that guide dosing before trying to use remedies for home prescribing. Rule of Thumb: The remedy needs to be a close match to symptoms. Symptoms are not just "fever", "sore throat" "yellow discharges". They need to be specific to the person's experience of their symptoms. If you're unsure of how to do that, consult with a homeopath. Always start with one dose and don't repeat that remedy unless it helped move your symptoms in the right direction. If you are unsure about the "right direction", consult with a homeopath. If you took a remedy and it helped, and then your symptoms regressed, then you can redose. Do not repeat remedies that have not helped as this will likely create artificial symptoms. Avoid using combo remedies that list multiple remedies. If you are given homeopathic remedies by someone who is not a classical homeopath, ask them how they are specifically matched to your experience of suffering and call a classical homeopath.
    a physical or mental feature which is regarded as indicating a condition of disease, particularly such a feature that is apparent to the patient.
    a spirit-like, dynamic energy that is the central intelligence throughout all of the mechanisms of health. This phenomenon allows all life to self-heal and sustain itself. The Vital Force/Constitution is what knows how to rebuild skin after a cut, or create a mass of cooling fluid around a burn. or turn up the heat when there’s a need for inflammation to ward off invaders - virus/bacteria.
    forcibly put an end to prevent the development, action, or expression of (a feeling, impulse, idea, etc.); restrain. prevent the dissemination of (information) prevent or inhibit (a process or reaction)
    a particular mode in which something exists or is experienced or expressed In homeopathy, there is nothing more essential to a case than the way you experience your symptoms. In particular, what does your body do to make you better tolerate your pain and what does it try to avoid to prevent worsening of pain. We call this better and worse. It isn't important that these actions make you feel "better". However, you will notice that your body may naturally roll up in a ball or need covers, or have to take a hot shower. In contrast, you may notice that you cannot tolerate light or noise or lying on the side that hurts. To learn your modalities and better communicate them with your homeopath, take a few moments to notice how you are reacting to your experience.
    make (a disease or its symptoms) less severe or unpleasant without removing the cause disguise the seriousness or gravity of Sometimes it is important to palliate symptoms in order to prevent suffering, however, palliating can hide the way symptoms are naturally presenting themselves.
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